the Herbalist Medical Cannabis program was launched to help all of the loyal past and present Herbalist Tea Room customers in the U.K and E.U certified legal medical cannabis countries become legally certified medical cannabis users who can then receive legal, safe and affordable medical cannabis products suited to their own individually tailored medical cannabis requirements with guaranteed safe delivery on all medical cannabis prescription packs
Our Digital strategy is to inform as many of our U.K customers that we now provide a legal, free and safe way in the U.K for all our customers to now register as medical Cannabis users and be able to receive legal and safe medical cannabis prescription packs
We are one of the first fully qualified and licensed medical cannabis dispensaries able to offer organically grown certified medical cannabis flowers, medical hashish, medical cannabis edibles, medical cannabis oils, cannabis topicals, tinctures and our very own Cannabis liquors for those who like a drink, those struggling with heavy alcohol drinking issues, those who need to detox in a more pleasant way and for those who want to experience a totally new drinking experience and feelings of joy and happiness, due to our Herbalist special cannabis infusion, which in itself makes for a pleasant and healthier drink all round.
This service was particularly exciting because we are aware of the outdated, abusive and discriminatory "legal" position in the U.K preventing millions of medical cannabis users from accessing legal medical cannabis another way than the ability to register for the narrow scoped Canna card as a medical cannabis user without first having to have tried a myriad or cocktail of toxic pharmacuticals, when updated science tells us that Phyto cannabinoids are vital to our health and wellbeing so every adults desire to consume cannabis for health reasons is a natural right of that person to have access to medical cannabis which we will provide in a legal, safe and private way to do so through our licensed medical cannabis dispensary and medical cannabis export license.
We used all forms of social media to meet the audience in their most comfortable locations, and talked in their own language.